An unspeakable pounding in the head that doesn't stop, including nausea and vomiting - migraine attacks are unbearable for sufferers and can last for several days. Migraine is a complex neurological disorder in which headaches occur in attacks. The brain has a temporary dysfunction.
For some, a migraine attack announces itself several days in advance. It announces itself, for example, through tiredness, fatigue or irritability. Other indicators can be exuberant creativity, bursting ingenuity, restlessness and a craving for sweets.
Some sufferers have migraines with aura. They perceive zigzag lines in the visual field, glaring light or buzzing flickering. Possible accompanying symptoms are
- Dizziness
- Tingling sensations
- speech disorders
- Difficulty concentrating
- fatigue
- Loss of consciousness
The migraine pain breaks out after an hour at the latest. Those affected retreat into the dark to avoid noise and light. This is often accompanied by
- nausea
- gagging nausea
- an unquenchable gush of vomit
The causes of migraines have not yet been fully researched. Therefore, it is currently only possible to treat acute migraine attacks and take preventative measures.

Tanja Rutenbeck
Secretariat Center for Special Pain Medicine
- Phone+49 2351 945-2510
- Fax+49 2351 945-2522
Outpatient clinic
Phone +49 2351 945-2513 or -2514
Fax +49 2351 945-2511